The above Twin Tower pictures are left, an old asbestos advertisement for the WTC, middle, 9/11, right the new WTC!
I began looking in to who really profitted from 9/11/2001 and who had access to hire the terrorist from Saudi Arabia. I started with Larry Silverstein and 7 World Trade Center, and ended up with the fact that Bayer, Mitsubishi, and Mitsui are Saudi and Osama Bin Laden's best Poppy customer, and Bayer has locations that correlate with Al Qaeda's! Bayers Board of Directors Allianz has the World Trade Center insured, and Allianz bought terrorist re insurance through Scor prior to 9/11. Bayer also profits from Anthrax scare, and partners ComGenex whose office is Princeton NJ. The World Trade Center now gets to go Green like Lev Leviev's Empire State Building, Bank of America New York and the Conde Nast building! However, Israel wanted an attack on Iraq, Halliburton and Chevron needed to get in Iraq to compete with Lev Leviev's ELF and , whom already took over the De Beers diamond business and is buying up New York, and Texas and Harlem gets a face lift! Also, Governor George Pataki who moved out of the WTC prior to the attacks,and now works for the Law Firm Chadbourne and Parke that represents Lev Leviev's 33% stake in Cross Israel Highway, that nation's first toll road! Zim Shipping, also moved out of the WTC prior to the bombings, and Bill Clinton sits on the Board. Creating heroin traffic was also a main reason for the war in Iraq!
I also learned of a witness whom overheard 3 men speaking in Hebrew about the 9/11 plan 11 months prior to the bombing. It is also reported that Osama Bin Laden was hired by Israeli's to move diamonds! in addition I found out that the New York mafia was hired to hide the asbestos problem! That must be why New York officials allow them to operate see article here!
In other words New York get's to get updated GREEN and Big Real Estate developer's Lev Leviev and Boylmegreen profit; Cheney "Halliburton" and Chevron get to go to Iraq for the oil and heroin; Israel is happy that Saddam is gone, and Rockefeller, Bayer, Mitsubishi, and Mitsui get their Poppy! Al Qaeda scapegoats get well funded with diamonds, and the innocent victims of 9/11 and our innocent military die for them to profit!
Israeli media are reporting Israeli special operations forces attempted to kill Saddam Hussein as the Iraqi leader attended the funeral of his father-in-law, in his hometown, Tikrit. Under the plan, troops of Israel's elite Sayeret Matkal would have flown secretly into Iraq where they would attack Saddam and his entourage with specially designed missiles.
Israel needs new water sources to allow Israeli expansion plans. Iraq is the major source of water in the Middle East.
Ariel Sharon said:
"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."Ariel Sharon to Shimon Peres, October 3rd, 2001, as reported on Kol Yisrael.
If a member of Congress were to merely question anything about Zionist political influence in Washington they would be committing career suicide. Many feel that Israel blackmails politicians involved in pedophile rings and uses photographs to control their votes. Very high level politicians have been implicated as well as Bushes.
George W. Bush - Terrorist in the White House - The War For Israel
9/11/01 could not have happened without foreign agents,both Israelis and Kuwaitis,controlling the U.S. penny stock companies ICTS International and Securacom. The Israelis were our only line of defense in guarding Logan Airport, Massachusetts and Newark Airport in New Jersey while Securacom a penny stock scam operated by Marvin Bush and his daddy's(ex President George Herbert Walker Bush),Kuwait royal family alli(Mishal Yousef Saud al Sabah,who was also on the board of Securacom.)
A visit to ICTS' own web site at confirms that ICTS is in fact an Israeli owned company, and that it sells services to every airport from which the hijacked planes operated, including security, sometimes through wholly owned subsidiaries like Huntleigh USA Corporation.
In 1990, on behalf of the US-funded and US-directed Citizens for a Free Kuwait, H&K researched and then created stories and “eye-witness” testimonies that described Iraqi atrocities that would build public support for Desert Storm. These "eye-witnesses" were presented to the Congressional Human Rights Caucus and included the fraudulent "Nurse Nayirah" testimony that played a major role in involving the US in the Gulf War. She testified that she had witnessed Iraqi soldiers killing hundreds of premature babies at the al-Addan hospital in Kuwait City. "They took the babies out of the incubators, took the incubators, and left the babies on the cold floor to die," she said. Congressmen were stunned. It was only after Desert Storm had officially ended that ABC reporter John Martin discovered that the none of these tales of atrocities were true. "Nayirah" (Nijirah al-Sabah) was actually the daughter of the Kuwait House of Al-Sabah royal family member Saud Nasir Al-Sabah, the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States. Without Hill & Knowlton's PR, the Gulf War would not have been as favorable to Americans. Much is made that at this time H&K's Washington office was headed by Craig Fuller, the former chief of staff and good friend of George Bush, Sr.This has been covered in a documentary film called To Sell a War.
ABC News Letter to FBI
27), sales of Bayer's antibiotic Cipro have skyrocketed 1000 percent from .... by the FBI along with other leads regarding the September 11, 2001 attacks. ...
The Bayer Corporation maintains several serious skeletons in its corporate closet. In my thirteenth book, Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare (Tetrahedron, LLC; 1-888-508-4787), released in June, 2001, I examine a small number of multinational corporations, including Bayer, that have historically sponsored fear, espionage, and even terrorist campaigns for profit and global domination...
Bayer's partner ComGenex Anthrax Patents whose office is near Priceton mailbox where Anthrax spores were found!
Anthrax lethal factor is a MAPK kinase protease... skilled in the relevant art. In addition, numerous combinatorial libraries are themselves commercially available (see, e.g., ComGenex, Princeton, N.J., Asinex, Moscow, Ru, Tripos, Inc., St. Louis, Mo., ChemStar, Ltd, Moscow, RU, 3D Pharmaceuticals ...
Anthrax lethal factor is a MAPK kinase protease... skilled in the relevant art. In addition, numerous combinatorial libraries are themselves commercially available (see, e.g., ComGenex, Princeton, N.J., Asinex, Moscow, Ru, Tripos, Inc., St. Louis, Mo., ChemStar, Ltd, Moscow, RU, 3D ...
BioSpace - ComGenex Inc. News, Search Jobs, Events
Bayer HealthCare AG (BAY) And ComGenex Inc. Extend Their Drug Discovery Collaboration 10/19/2005 5:12:52 PM More. ...
The following is Bayer's connection to the 9/11 terrorist Mohammed Atta:
Mohammed Atta 9/11 hijacker worked in Hamburg "under the auspices" of the Congress-Bundestag Program "overseen by the U.S. State Department and the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development." A German publication on Oct. 18, 2001, "under the headline 'ATTA WAS TUTOR FOR CDS International, Inc. SCHOLARSHIP HOLDERS,'" reported that a Bayer chemist Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft spokesman "admitted paying Hamburg cadre principal Atta as a 'scholarship holder' and 'tutor,' between 1995 and 1997."
CDS International, Inc. is the new name for Carl Duisberg Society.The list of elite power brokers backing CDS International ranges from the aforementioned Kissinger and Rockefeller to former President Bill Clinton and other Democratic heavyweights like former First Lady Hillary Clinton and Clinton White House adviser Ira Magaziner.
Bayer also connects to Dan Gertler, diamond dealer friend to Condoleeza Rice, Chevron, Lockheed Martin, Betchtel, and Saudi Arabia Olayan Group.
German authorities seize a boat in the port of Hamburg containing a shipment of rubber parts—allegedly bound for Iran—that could be used to make tracks for tanks and US-made M-113 armored personnel carriers. The seized boat, the Zim Anvers, is owned by the Zim-American Israeli Shipping Company. An Israeli company, PAD, headed by Avihai Weinstein, 34, had been issued a German export license for the shipment. The license specifies Thailand as its final destination, but according to German customs, the shipment is really destined for Iran. According to the Israeli daily Yediot Aharonot, it was to be transferred in Hamburg to an Iranian cargo ship headed to the southern Iranian port of Bandar Abbas.
Who makes rubber in Hamburg? Bayer and Shell!
Israeli intelligence connected Larry Silverstein, offered Special Agent John O Neil a Head of Security Job at WTC just prior to the attack! O'Neill replaced President Bush brother, Marvin Bush's Securacom as head of security for the WTC days before the 9/11 attacks. Marvin Bush, head of security, ominously shut down security cameras two weeks prior to the WTC demolitions. Two weeks is probably enough time to 'wire' the buildings for a controlled demolition.
Marvin Bush served on the board of Securacom (since renamed Stratesec). The chairman of the board of Stratesec is Wirt D. Walker III, a cousin of Marvin and George W. Bush. Securacom had contracts to provide security for Dulles International Airport (the airport from which American Airlines Flight 77, which crashed into the Pentagon, originated) and the World Trade Center in New York. Securacom's backers include a number of Kuwaitis through a company called KuwAm Corp (Kuwaiti-American Corp.). Stratesec also has Saudi investors. Walker also serves as a managing director of KuwAm, which maintains offices within the Watergate complex along with Riggs Bank, on whose board Bush's uncle, Jonathan Bush, sits. Saudi Princess Haifa al Faisal, the wife of Saudi Ambassador to the US Prince Bandar, used a Riggs account to funnel money to Omar al Bayoumi and Osama Basnan, two Saudi students in California associated with two of the 911 hijackers.
HCC Insurance Holdings, Inc., a reinsurance corporation on whose board Marvin Bush sat as director until November 2002, similarly benefits from terrorism insurance protections on the WTC!
In September of 2001, mere days before 9/11, O Neil got a job offer from Larry Silverstein (owner of WTC). Oddly, O'Neill was missing for two days before 9/11 –miraculously his body was discovered in tact in the WTC ruins.
Special Agent John O Neil had tied Israeli Intelligence "Mossad" to other bombings he was investigating through Abu Nidal. Larry Silverstein is Jewish with heavy ties to the Jewish community and Israel; so why would he offer him a job right before the bombings?
"Abu Nidal was the leader of the infamous Black September terror organization, and spent 30 years hijacking jets and planting bombs for Israel intelligence. O'Neill suspected Abu Nidal was a Mossad operative and talked openly about it with other field agents."
Bill Clinton's Madelyn Albright and Yemen's Barbara Bodine Panic as O’Neill Investigation Points to Israel. Mr. Tempelsman was appointed by former President Bill Clinton as director and elected treasurer of the Southern Africa Enterprise Development Fund
Albright complains to upper echelons of the FBI about O'Neill. Bodine wanted O'Neill to drop his bodyguards and he became suspicious of Mossad assassination. Bodine and Madeleine Albright finally went to the Zionist Jewish FBI Director, Louis Freeh, to remove John O'Neill from Yemen.
Albright dated Diamond Mogul Maurice Templesman, Jackie Kennedy's lover! Maurice Tempelsman is Chairman of the American Jewish Congress, a Zionist pressure group that claims it works closely with the Israeli military.
See here Larry Siverstein and Maurice Templesman on the same alumni:
Wapedia - Category: New York University alumni
... Louis Freeh · Leonard Peikoff · Leon Fuerth · Lisa Edelstein · Larry Silverstein ... Marvin Davis · Michaela Conlin · Maurice Tempelsman
Then January 2001 came, and O'Neill wanted to go back to Yemen. But, Ambassador Bodine wouldn't give him clearance. In July 2001, O’Neill resigned from the FBI.
Who killed John O'Neil?
Bill Clinton not only pardoned Marc Rich but along with Madeline Albright sits on the Board of Directors of the noted Dubai UAE Zim Asia Corp, whom broke their lease at the WTC and paid $50,000 to do so just prior to the bombings .
YouTube - 9/11 Was an Israeli/Zionist/Jew JobWhy isn't Israeli involvement mentioned in any of the other
Investigative Reporter Breaks Israeli 9/11 Foreknowledge
Note: You will have to analyze the links I put on this blog to understand!
Osama bin Laden's connections to the Israeli diamond trade.
The following was sent to Wayne Madsen Reports by a journalist source who was in Peshawar, Pakistan in the weeks following U.S. intervention in Afghanistan.The information comes from a Taliban member who escaped into Pakistan:
"Osama left Afghanistan in a party of 26 people,mostly his family members, on November 4 [2001].He left from the "south." [possibly southern Iran].
"This may surprise you, but you must understand the nature of business. A business partnership is based on years of trust, and it is totally separate from political or national loyalties."
"Osama was a rich man, a millionaire, but spend a lot on the Afghan war and reconstruction. While he was in Africa in exile, the Israelis approached him to take over the diamond business from the Lebanese in West Africa. (background: Muslims provide the strong arm for the raw diamond trade in West Africa, and it required a respected and tough Muslim like Osama to wrestle the trade away from the Shi'ites from southern Lebanon. The Israelis could not stand the thought of their Antwerp diamond industry financing suicide bombers in south Lebanon)."
"With the diamond trade under his control, Osama became a billionaire (repeat), a billionaire . . . Thediamonds were sent to the Russian mafiyah, who then sold to Antwerp."(Antwerp, btw, was where the shoe bomber and countlessother "terrorists" were financed and where AQ [Khan] moneywas being wired to New York via Hassidim diamondmerchants.)For building materials and equipment, Bin Laden'sconstruction family routinely dealt with Jewish businessmenthrough Yemen. Since Saudis could have no direct dealings,the Bin Ladens used Yemenis, who lived alongside Jews intheir Yemeni homeland. This is how Osama's father became so big."Inside Afghanistan, the Taliban were not anti-Jewishbecause the Pashtun tribe are one of the "lost tribes of Israel". Our customs and names are identical tothose of the Jews. So there was no problem in fighting the Soviet occupation and then Shiite enemy, and Osama led this fight."
Basically, Bayer, Shell, Bush Sr., Cheney Halliburton, Brown and Root, Lev Leviev, Ariel Sharon, Chevron, Betchtel and Maurice Templesman planned and organized and payed off Bin Laden and Al Qaeda with blood diamonds for 9/11/01. Al Qaeda is a scape goat, and Governor Pataki knew about it!
Condeleeza Rice is in the Middle East to do business for Chevron because Shell and Fina are a threat to Chevron and Halliburton profits! Condoleeza, friend of Dan Gertler, whom does business with Ibrahim Bah, whom does business with Al Qaeda!
From 1996 until 1999, Yair Klein provided material and training to Liberia’s Anti-Terrorism Unit and, in violation of the UN embargo, to the RUF as part of a diamonds-for-arms operation involving Klein and two other Israelis, Dov Katz and Dan Gertler. In January of 1999 Klein was arrested in Sierra Leone on charges of smuggling arms to the RUF. Those transactions went through Ibrahim Bah, the “gatekeeper” for such dealings in the RUF-controlled territory as well as being an Al Qaeda businessman.
For Israeli-American Dan Gertler, business in blood drenched Congo is not merely business, it is a quest for the Holy Grail. Young Dan Gertler goes nowhere—does nothing—without the spiritual guidance of Brooklyn-born Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Leibovitch, a personal friend of Condoleeza Rice.2 Gertler and Leibovitch are two of the principals behind a diamond mining company, Emaxon Finance Corporation, involved in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Top Israelis in the country's Foreign Defense and Defense Export Organisation (SIBAT) connived in 2000 with diamond merchant Dan Gertler, to train the Congolese army in exchange for diamond concessions worth up to a billion dollars.
See Bayer Board of Directors!
Bayer and Shell began partnership in 1969! See here:
British Plastics & Rubber Industry News Archive
The Bayer Antwerpen/Shell Petroleum Bayer-Shell Isocyanates joint venture was established in 1969, to make toluene diisocyanate (TDI) and diphenylmethane
How were the Al Qaeda scapegoats paid for 9/11/01?
Amelia Hill
The Observer,
Sunday October 20 2002
Article history
The terrorist network led by Osama bin Laden struck deals in 'blood diamonds' worth over $20 million in the months before the attacks of 11 September 2001
A recent report in an Antwerp newspaper claimed al-Qaeda converted $10m into untraceable gemstones before 11 September 2001. This new evidence indicates at least twice as much money passed hands, enabling al-Qaeda to continue its operations despite the international agreement to freeze bank accounts with suspected links to the terrorist group.
Which leads me to Ariel Sharon and Vladimir Putin's close friend Lev Leviev, diamond dealer, whom owns Total ELF Fina.
Leviev is a Mossad-connected (via Danny Yatom) billionaire with ties to one of the largest criminal money-laundering operations in the world, the Israeli Bank Leumi. His silent business partner is the Russian-Israeli gangster, Arkady Gaydamak.
Meet the Mogul: Lev Leviev -- New York Magazine
May 7, 2007 ... The Putin pal who just bought the old New York Times Building who operates a blood diamond business in Antwerp, Russia and South America and big FINA Elf oil business in Iran, which Chevron and Halliburton want. Leviev had to have knowledge of 9/11 because he had an associate company move out of the WTC a week before the bombing. He also has an office across from the New York Stock exchange. I smell blackmail!
Leviev also has been reported to own a very significant share of a shipping company that illegally broke its lease with the World Trade Center and moved out seven days before the attack on September 11, 2001. That company would be Zim-American Israel Navigation, which is largely owned by the Israel Corporation (i.e., the government of Israel).
Zim-American Israeli ships itself out of NY; New headquarters in ...
The second largest investor in the Israel Corp. is Leumi Bank (about 20%). Leumi Bank has about four major investments, one of which is in Lev Leviev’s major companies. Less than a year after the attack, one of their ships would be impounded for attempting to ship Israeli manufactured weapons to Iran.
Mega MOSSAD Dubai-based Zim Shipping Corp. along with Sandy Berger, Condoleeza Rice, Bush Sr. and Hillary Rodenhurst-Clinton, have been fingered to a shell company named Zim Asia that smuggled nuclear triggers to Israel utilizing Pakistan, UAE, and Red China, as the route of transferring. Financing this of course was none other than Marc Rich. Bill Clinton not only pardoned Marc Rich, but along with Madeline Albright sits on the Board of Directors of the noted Dubai UAE Zim Asia Corp.
Read here how Bush and Condoleeza Rice are connected:
ZNet - Gertler's Bling Bang
UNICEF Cuts Ties With Leviev, Joins With Moslem Terror Group
A few days before the Leviev announcement, UNICEF had inked a partnership with a Saudi charity, some of whose branches had been accused by America and the U.N. of having terrorist ties.
Governor of New York, funded by Siverstein also moved out of the WTC prior to the attack!
George Pataki - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pataki's New York City office had moved out of the World Trade Center in the months before the September 11, 2001 attacks to new offices on Third Avenue.
Here is where Leviev's Atofina, Bayer, and Shell work together:
The current Elemica board of directors is comprised of one representative from each of the company's eight founders - ATOFINA, BASF, Bayer, BP, The Dow Chemical Company, DuPont, Rohm and Haas and Shell - and one delegate representing the 14 other investor companies.
In addition to Liveris and Pott, current Elemica board members include: Robert Azerad, vice president of ATOFINA; Dr. Kurt Wilhelm Bock, president of the Logistics and Information Services Division of BASF; Mike Buzzacott, group vice president--Chemicals for BP; Jeffrey A. Coe, vice president and general manager of DuPont Chemical Solutions Enterprise; Manabu Fujise, president of Mitsui Chemicals America; Jerry Lee Golden, president and CEO of Shell Chemical Company, and Bruce Hoechner, director of global business processes for Rohm and Haas.
Alex Constantine's Blacklist: The CIA, Maurice Tempelsman, African ...
Israel's Leviev, Shell and Bayer have oil business in Iran! They all want in Iraq, and Chevron and Halliburton want in Iraq also, however Russia and Leviev have the Iraq oil deal with Saddam. Leviev, Russia and Israel are friends, so that leaves Halliburton and Chevron out, unless they invade! Leviev and Cheney's Kellogg, Brown and Root have a deal in Iran!
Here is where they also work together in Iran:
Bayer - Iran
Shell in the Middle East Profiles
Robert Weener, Chairman of Shell Companies in Iran and Chief Executive Officer of Shell .... Ingo Dijksma, General Manager, Shell Iran Offshore Ltd
Total Fina Elf S.A.: Information and Much More from
Total is the first foreign oil company to produce in Iran since 1979
Here is where Total and Cheney's Halliburton work together:
Elf Aquitaine (now part of Total), Kellogg Brown & Root (part of Halliburton) got this Iran deal!
Iran awards Elf and Agip offshore Doroud gas field
17-02-99 Iran has awarded France's Elf Aquitaine and Italy's Agip a deal estimated at over $ 500 mm to develop the country's Doroud offshore gas field."The National Iranian Oil Company has awarded Elf and Agip the Doroud deal and it has been approved by the Supreme Economic Council," an official told."This is a very important deal for us because Doroud gas will be injected in oil fields to boost output and preserve long-term operations," said the Iranian oil official.The Doroud gas field deal is part of a number of so-called "buy-back" projects which were offered by Iran to foreign investors.The Iranian oil official did not put a time frame on Doroud's development under the deal.
The Doroud project marks the fourth deal Iran has secured since launching its foreign investment initiative last year.The other three involve Total , Petronas , Gazprom, Canada's Bow Valley and UK Premier Oil
Frank Sinatra - High Hopes - Woops there goes another kilowatt lamp!
Bayer International SA - Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia Petrochemical Company - Shell Chemicals
U.S. v. Bayer AG
Here is how you connect Bill Clinton, Lev Leviev, Israel, Bush Sr. Halliburton, Maurice Templsman, and Chevron to the blood diamonds that fund terrorist.
Three private military companies—PMCs—have been targeting garimpeiros in Angola. The mercenary firms Alfa-5, Teleservices, and K&P Mineira defend Angola’s big name diamond firms like Sociedade de Desenvolvimento Mineiro (Sodiam), Sociedade Mineira de Cuango, and Sociedade Mineira Luminas. Human rights researcher Rafael Marques documented case after case of PMCs arresting, beating and torturing garimpeiros. They stop garimpeiros from fishing in their rivers, growing their own food, or living traditional lives; they have forced sexual relations on family members, including same-sex rape and sodomy.4 The PMCs operate behind Angola’s public diamond company, Endiama, and have exclusive rights to Angola’s diamonds. Endiama owns 99% of shares in Sodiam, which has a joint venture with Lazare Kaplan International (LKI) of the Israeli-American Maurice Tempelsman family.
Sodiam works with the Russo-Israeli Lev Leviev Group. Endiama owns part of Alfa-5, the PMC that exploits and tortures garimpeiros. Alfa-5 and K&P Mineira provide security for ASCORP—the Angola Selling Corporation—another Angolan monopoly. In Marques’ case reports, garimpeiros describe a mysterious white foreigner of British origin, an armed agent working in the field for Alfa-5, who beats and tortures people.
One of ASCORP’s controlling investors, Lev Leviev, runs a global commercial empire that includes: Leviev Group of Companies; Lev Leviev Diamonds; Africa-Israel (commercial real estate in Prague and London); Gottex (swimwear) Company; 1,700 Fina gas stations in the Southwest U.S.; 173 7-Elevens in New Mexico and Texas; a 33% stake in Cross Israel Highway (Israel’s first toll road); and more.5 Leviev partner Arcady Gaydamak, an arms dealer, also reportedly works with Danny Yatom, a former MOSSAD (Israeli secret service) chief and security advisor to former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak. Leviev is connected to Russian President Vladimir Putin, and to Sandline International, a U.K./South African mercenary firm.6
4/2008 Chevron Corp. has hired as its chief corporate counsel William Haynes II, who until February was general counsel for the Department of Defense
Here is the link that connects Bush Sr. Clinton and Dick Cheney to the diamonds via Maurice Tempelson and Chevron and Bechtel, to 9/11/01, and the reconstruction of Harlem. Hmmm, Aids was spread in Harlem before the reconstruction! Notice how NASA was used for and invasion here!
Behind the Numbers Untold Suffering in the Congo by Keith Harmon ...
by Keith Harmon Snow and David Barouski., March 1, 2006 ... along with Goodworks, Halliburton, Chevron-Texaco, Northrop Grumman, GE, Boeing, - 35k
YouTube - Bayer Corporation sells products tainted with AIDS.
The MAKFining Alliance, made up of Mobil Technology Company, Akzo Nobel Catalysts, Kellogg Brown & Root and Fina Research SA, announces the addition of Premium Distillate Technologies, refining process technologies designed to produce premium distillate products.
Check out the gas saver these people cover up!
Run Your Car on Water
Convert Your Car TODAY to Run on Water and gas to save over 40% on fuel costs! Would you like to find out how to run your vehicle on water and stop wasting
Leviev's main motive for vengence is the Bush/Nazi connection. The next motive is this!
1999-The CIA destabilized the political balance in Macedonia to allow easier access for a US-British owned oil pipeline, and to prevent Macedonia from entering the European Union (EU), thereby strengthening the US dollar in a German deutschmark dominated region. Without Macedonia in the EU, British and US oil companies have an advantage over European counterparts in building oil pipelines. Actions toward destabilization intend to impose economic control over national currencies, and protect British-US oil companies such as BP-Amoco-ARCO, Chevron, and Texaco against Europe's Total-Fina-Elf.
Leviev also knew of the Asbestos filled WTC because of his Times building! The Tishman Construction company whom recontructed the Times is rebuilding WTC! Leviev's associates Zim also moved out of the WTC just prior to the bombing! Leviev, and his Russian friends also had the Iraq and Iran Oil contracts that Cheney "Halliburton" Shell, and Chevron wanted!
Let's play Nintendo!
Nintendo World Report - DS Review: Pokémon: Diamond & Pearl
Apr 22, 2007 ... Breed your Piplup and put the baby up on the Global Trade Center ... in any form without consent from Nintendo World Report is prohibited. - 22k -
Chief rabbi thanks Bush for 'war against Iraq' Jerusalem Post
Jan 10, 2008 ... "I want to thank you for your support of Israel and in particular for waging a war against Iraq," Metzger told Bush
All of our buildings that are blown up get to go Green, and the asbestos problem gets covered up! They need to cover it up, because of all of the multi million dollar lawsuits from federal agents that get cancer from the asbestos problems!
Green Cross - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In fact, Silverstein is using Empire/Nast/Bank of America buildings same Tishman Construction company, which collapsed Lev Leviev's Times Building !
Demolition Company Found at Fault for Times Sq. Collapse Last Year ...
Big Apple, a large demolition company with a troubled history, was a subcontractor for Tishman Realty and Construction Company at the E Walk complex.
Plaintiff asbestos abatement contractor sued the New York City Housing Authority for the balance of the contract price for removal of asbestos and re-insulation.
&R Contracting and Environmental Consulting v. New York City Housing Authority; Civil Court, New York County; Judge Samuels; May 30, 2000.
Look! The Oklahoma bombed asbestos filled Federal Building went Green also!
New Oklahoma City Federal Building Opens Entertainment & Arts ...
New Oklahoma City Federal Building Opens. By Alan G. Brake ... In addition, Ross Barney + Jankowski included numerous green features, such as exterior light
Look at what some Oklahoma investigators have to say about that!
Do I have this right? The 93 WTC bombing failed without gas, the Oklahoma bombing that Timothy brought gasoline to worked, so gas is now put into the WTC and against New York Fire Department warning not to store gasoline in 7 WTC is what caused it to blow up! Yeah right!
Now the Governor's asbestos filled mansion!
Arson suspected in Texas Governor's Mansion fire News Star ...
The Texas Governor's Mansion, in downtown Austin near the Texas Capitol, ... removal of lead paint and asbestos and installation of a fire sprinkler system
It’s not easy being one of the world’s big "energy firms" – ExxonMobil could only manage a £13.4bn profit in 2004 whilst poor old Shell struggled to scrape a measly £8.7bn. With that in mind, it’s completely understandable they should need to screw over anybody getting in the way of business development… how could they make ends meet otherwise?!
Let’s look at some of their handywork: Since 1994, Shell, along with ExxonMobil, Mitsubishi and Mitsui, have been involved in oil and gas extraction on Sakhalin Island, in the far east of Russia
Bayer Global HR - Bayer AG - Pakistan
Bayer in Pakistan comprises three companies with around 650 employees.
Bayer International SA - Saudi Arabia
Bayer - Russia
See Bayer Poppy Shares increase since 2001!
AFGHANISTAN OPIUM: Financing the Enemy; Expanding the War
04:35 From: EngineeredWarsSuck
Views: 63,168
Silverstein purchased insurance from Allianz on World Trade Center, who is on the board of Bayer.
Alliance has a company in Saudi Arabia, and Alliance purchased WTC terrorist reinsurance from Scor prior to 9/11.
Bayer has operations all over the middle east including Iran. Bayer needs Poppy for medications such as morphine. Osama Bin Laden can produce Poppy. Bin Laden is the head of Al Qaeda! Is Bayer Al qaeda? See my Bayer connection here:
Bayer, Mitsubish and Mitsui are getting the Poppy from the middle east and Allianz is getting the middle east insurance. Silverstein is being paid by Allianz for the World trade Center that investors were pissed off about because the asbestos problem would cost more to repair than the buildings were worth.
Dr. Axel Claus Heitmann (44), currently a member of the Executive Committee of Bayer Polymers and head of that company’s Asia region, is headquartered in Shanghai.
In addition, German authorities said Jarrah and hijacking suspects Marwan al-Shehhi and Mohamed Atta all attended Harburg Technical University in Hamburg, Germany, at about the same time.
Now, how does Bayer, Mitsubish and Mitsui get their heroine in to America and the World? Private military? Shell? Bayer's Distribution Plants? Mitsubishi Submarines? You decide! Maybe their mentalist knows! Everywhere Bayer is Pepsi co and Mitsubishi are! Read New York Times article Drug Syringes found in Pepsi cans!
Mitsubishi Boat Corporation and Hitachi subsequently announced that they had reached a teaming agreement to cooperatively build the Imperial Navy's new class of attack submarines (NSSN). The teaming was later approved in the Diet.
See my Mitsubishi Heavy, Japans defense company connection here:
See my heroin blog connection here:
Blackwater provides security for the US embassy in Kabul, but the largest American government contract in the country is believed to be held by Texas-based USPI. According to reports in its home state last week, the company has been accused of overbilling the US government by millions of dollars for non-existent employees and vehicles. USPI acknowledges that it is being investigated, but insists that the allegations are untrue.
USPI's hiring practices in Afghanistan have drawn criticism from the International Crisis Group, a think tank. It said in a report that a majority of the men on USPI's payroll were associated with private militias. "Many have used their authority to engage in criminal activity, including drug trafficking," it claimed.
Bayer has a record of killing people:
Baxter International Inc. News - The New York Times - Narrowed by ...
Bayer AG, Green Cross Corp, Rhone-Poulenc Rorer Inc and Baxter International Inc, drug manufacturers whose blood products were said to have infected
Bayer Sued By Hemophiliacs, Accused Of Conspiring To Sell ...
"Thousands of hemophiliacs have unnecessarily died from AIDS and many thousands more are infected with HIV or hepatitis C." Bayer Corp. and Green Cross Baxter -
Bill Clinton and Bayer! Bayer supports the Clinton Foundation! Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton raise money for Green Cross!
Bayer AG - Annual Report 2003 - Corporate Social Responsibility
Through a procurement community, the Diagnostics Division of Bayer HealthCare provides the Clinton Foundation with HIV tests at prices aligned to local - 25k
Is this what you call Payback?
Sept. 11-17-1994: Trademark Reclaimed; Germans Soothe a Pain Lingering ...
11-17: Trademark Reclaimed; Germans Soothe a Pain Lingering Since 1918 ... Last week, ending 75 years of lawsuits and negotiations, Bayer bought back the - 46k
Bayer and Allianz are known for supporting the Nazi's. Prescott Bush, Cheney, Bush Sr. and Jr. are known Nazi's. The Nazi's want to rid the world of all other races other than White except for their slaves! Slowly, one war at a time and one disease at a time!
Read this!
Who owns Bayer shares?????????????????
Links with the Nazis & Third Reich Gerald Feldman's book Allianz and the German Insurance Business is a look at the links between the Nazi party and big business in 1930s Germany concentrating on Allianz's relationship. According to Holocaust historians and legal experts, such as Professors Michael Bazyler and Gerald Feldman from the United States, Allianz insured the concentration camps at Auschwitz-Birkenau as well as other death camps.
Previous Board member Kurt Schmitt was a German economic leader and the Reich Economy Minister from June 1933 until January 1935.
Eduard Hilgard, a general director of Allianz AG and head of the Reich Association for Private Insurance during the entire National Socialist regime.
Allianz's leadership, represented by directors Kurt Schmitt and Eduard Hilgard, led a policy of drawing nearer to the Nazis, even before they seized power. Already in October 1930, ties were forged with Hermann Göring. These contacts were realized through company dinners and by providing private financial loans. Heinrich Brüning and Franz von Papen tried without success to get Schmitt a ministerial office.
Bayer became part of IG Farben, a conglomerate of German chemical industries which formed the financial core of the Nazi regime. IG Farben owned 42.5% of the company that manufactured Zyklon B[citation needed], a chemical used in the gas chambers of Auschwitz. When the Allies split IG Farben after World War II for involvement in several Nazi war crimes, Bayer reappeared as an individual business. Bayer executive Fritz ter Meer, sentenced to seven years in prison by the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal, was made head of the supervisory board of Bayer in 1956, after his release.
Re 9/11! This really pisses me off, Bayer, using the 119 Rose Parade "911 backwards" to show off their poppy seed!
See my next blog for what they do with Heroin in Fukuoka Japan! More Green Buildings, mental transportation, dream machines! Another Needle in the hay stack! Satan's copy of Heaven!
Now, see my next blog on how they profited from oil as well!